Sunday, February 18, 2007

Urban Dictionary: Do Not Want

So a while back, I found myself looking up superhero names on All I have to say is, dear god, what is wrong with some people? Anyone who snickers at Wikipedia should go look there to see just how much of a mess an information source anyone can edit can be.

Take their definitions for "superman" for example. Here's the first listed:

The world's most recognizable superhero.
"It's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's Superman!"

The stuff in italics is their example of usage in a sentence.
As you can see, things start out ordinary enough, but don't be fooled. What follows is only some of what we'll find if we make the unarguably foolish decision to read further. Be warned, those who don't find the language offensive will still assuredly find the content to be so.

When you fuckin' have a hard on after you wake up in the morning because you gotta pee and the only way you can relieve yourself without pissing all over the bathroom is to put both hands on the wall in front of you and then lift your right or left leg so that you penis can point straight down into the toilet bowl...and release
I accidentaly knocked your toothbrush over with my leg when I superman-ed this morning.

A major dick. That's really all there is to say about it.
If I was Superman I'd go to the scene of a major tragedy and just stand about not helping anyone for the fun of it.

a massively overpowered loser who is invincible and is able to easily escape the pull of a blackhole yet gets his ass handed to him by a person with no superpowers. wtf dc?
superman, right after stopping a giant meteor in midspace, just got knocked out by one punch from some random thug. goku would kick that thugs ass.

When a female is on top of a male during sex, and the male thrusts up and down at an extreme speed. During a Superman the female usually does not move whatsoever.
That Superman I gave you really tired me out Sally.

If is to be believed, there are half a dozen different sex moves all called "superman." To get an idea of just how awful it all is, this is the *least* disturbing one.

The worlds greatest Superhero. No as relevant nowadays as he used to be, but will be forever remembered and will probably be to future generations what Greek gods are to us today. His S symbol is more known than the peace symbol worldwide. Embodies the concept of the Superhero, and apart from Batman and Spiderman has no competition in terms of public admiration. Has much in common with Jesus Christ, i.e- sent from a far away heavenly place by his father to aid and save humanity. Died and was resurrected. Sells millions in merchandise a year and hundreds of thousands of comic books. Outdated somewhat today, but forever will be remembered and esteemed as the first god of the comic medium.
"Superman is the first true superhero..."

Just a little overboard, y'know?

greatest hero ever, and can kick thors ass
superman is cool

superman is a game that kewl people play in high school in which you are not allowed to say anything that begins with an
S. if you do, you are allowed to get hit as many times as possible until you say "superman". then the hitting stops.
"Superman" Is Actually A Pretty Fun Game To Play!

The worlds cheapest superhero, Anyone could make him up.
Superman never gets his ass kicked, o i crave a kryptonite bullet!

a character in DC comics who people think is cool, but in all reality it a total fag.
superman is the gayest thing since gay came to Gay Town

So. Yeah. Here's "batman":

1. Normal ordinary man, originally the best super hero with no super powers, but can still fight crime and beat supervillians with just his fist and gadgets (i.e. shark repellant, suction boots etc.)
If a normal guy joined the justice league, Batman says, "He can't join, he doesn't have any super powers!!" Then superman would say to him, "Doesn't he Batman? Doesn't He? No Super Powers??"

Batman is quite possibly the greatest superhero ever created.
Batman is a great superhero because he has no lame superpowers like Superman or Spider-Man. Instead Batman is just a rich guy in a cool costume.

When somebody enters or exits near you without you knowing they were their like how batman exits in the comic
-Holy sh*t, you just pulled a batman.-Where did he go? he always does a batman

Hardass comic book character created by Bob Kane.... Who is unfortunatley riddiculed on with moronic definitions.
Your innuendo isn't even funny.

batman : verb = to get someone in a first person shooter, like halo or counterstrike, by quickly yet carefully landing on top or next to them FROM UP ABOVE (like batman would) and killing them in one shot/kill , or a maximum of two seconds. It has to be done quickly, becuase batman gets kids like that.
"I just batmaned the $*#! out of that guy with my energy sword, AND HE DIDN'T EVEN SEE IT COMING!!!!"

The ultimate superhero, one that manipulates his enemies' fear and uses stealth and intimidation and intellect to succeed, and does not need butthole Superman powers to survive.
A few reasons why Batman is better than Superman:- Does not need dorky glasses to conceal his identity- Does not need to struggle with women (i.e. Lois Lane) to gain their affections- Heir to a powerful conglomerate- Raised in a mediocre city called Gotham and not by corny farm folk in Smallville

In contrast to Superman, there are only two sex moves named after him.

"wonder woman":

verb transitive, to dress up like Linda Carter in the famed wonder woman television series sporting a golden lariat and tie ones partner up forcing him to tell the truth and having sex with him.noun, the act of dressing up like Linda Carter in teh famed wonder woman televisino series sporting a golden lariat and tieing ones partner up forcing him to tell the truth and having sex with him.
Hey Gladice, I wonder womaned jimmy last night.

No way Sylvia, why? I thought you didn't like jimmy.
Some lady paid me 500 bucks.
Is that the going rate for the wonder woman these days.

I'd go on, but at this point I find I've reached my fill of idiocy. I can't take anymore.

urban dictionary:
Purportedly an online dictionary of slang, in actuality a pig pen for thoroughly unpleasant children in adult bodies where these jackasses can give play to their misogyny and homophobia.


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Anonymous said...

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